Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

Meeting Date: Monday, January 20, 2020

1. The meeting was called to order at 11:00 AM by Mr. Benoit Sr. A quorum of directors was present. The meeting was properly noticed as required by law.
2. There was a motion by Mr. Benoit Sr seconded by Mr. Renda, to approve the minutes as read, the motion passed unanimously.
3. New Business Reduction of board from 5 to 3 members. There was a motion by Mr. Benoit Jr to reduce the board to three members, the motion was seconded Mr. Benoit Sr.
4. The board opened the floor to member questions/comments. The motion passes unanimously.
5. There was a motion by Mr. Benoit Sr to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Mr. Renda, the motion passed unanimously.  
6. There being no additional business to discuss the meeting adjourned at 11:40 AM.

Meeting Date: Tuesday, April 28, 2020

1. The meeting was unable to be called to order at 3:00 PM. A quorum of the membership was not present. Proof of the meeting was presented in the form of a notarized affidavit.
2. Social Distancing restrictions were in place as a result of the COVID-19 Pandemic.
3. A video was made by Kenneth Peredo (Newell Property Management) and a phone conference was set up with the call in information being sent to all owners so they could listen.
4. Results of Election Selim Awad - 51 Lawrence Bastone - 30 Fred Benoit Jr - 54 Howard Gilbert - 33 Cathy Honiball - 33 Carl Renda - 51 Deborah Ryan - 6
5. The 2020 – 2021 Board of Directors is Selim Awad, Fred Benoit Jr, Carl Renda.
6. An organizational meeting of the board will be held at a date to be decided.
7. There being no further business, meeting was adjourned at an unspecified time.

Meeting Date: Wednesday, June 1, 2022

1. The meeting was called to order at 4:00 PM. A quorum of the membership was not present. The meeting was properly noticed according to Florida Law.
2. Proof of the meeting was presented in the form of a notarized affidavit. The proxies were counted and the membership waived the auditing requirement for 2021 and 2022.
3. As there were 2 volunteers for 3 Board positions there was no election. Selim Awad and Fred Benoit have submitted their names to serve on the Board of Directors and were elected by acclamation.
4. Fred Benoit made a motion, seconded by Selim Awad to appoint Matthew Firzgerald to the Board of Directors.
5. The 2022 – 2023 Board of Directors are: Selim Awad, Fred Benoit Jr, Matthew Fitzgerald
6. There being no further business to discuss the meeting was adjourned at 4:40PM.

Meeting Date: Tuesday, April 18, 2023

1. The meeting was called to order at 3:05 PM.
2. A quorum of the membership was not present. The meeting was properly noticed according to Florida Law. Proof of the meeting was presented in the form of a notarized affidavit.
3. The meeting was attended by 
Kenneth Peredo NEWELL PROPERTY MANAGEMENT and Attorney, Meredith Peck.
4. Howard Gilbert made a motion, Deanna Carlos seconded the motion to appoint Jason Ferrara the President.
5. Howard Gilbert will be Treasurer of the Association.
6. Deanna Carlos will be the Secretary of the Association.
7. The proxies were counted and the membership voted for an audit for 2023.
8. The 2023 – 2024 Board of Directors are: Jason Ferrara, Howard Gilbert, Deanna Carlo.
9. There being no further business to discuss the meeting was adjourned at 3:51 PM.

Meeting Date: Friday, April 28, 2023

The meeting was called to order at 5:42 PM.
2. A quorum of directors was present. The meeting was properly noticed according to Florida Law. Proof of the meeting was presented in the form of a notarized affidavit.
3. The Board discussed the previous Board meeting minutes.
4. Howard Gilbert made a motion, seconded by Deanna Carlos to approve the minutes of the December 23, 2022 meeting.
5. The Board discussed a formation of a landscaping committee. Deanna Carlo made a motion, seconded by Howard Gilbert to establish a landscape committee. Jason Ferrera made a motion seconded by Howard Gilbert to appoint Krystle Andrade, Diane Williams and Deanna Carlo to the committee. The motion passed unanimously.
6. Then changed removing Deanna Carlo and installing Howard Gilbert.
7. The Board discussed the formation of a parking committee. Deanna Carlo made a motion, seconded by Jason Ferrera to establish a parking committee. Howard Gilbert made a motion to establish a parking committee and appoint Keith Keppler, Susan McCabe and Deanna Carlo to the committee, the motion was seconded by Deanna Carlo. The motion passed unanimously.
8. Board discussed a formation of a fine committee. Howard Gilbert made a motion to establish a parking committee and appoint Sue Hemler and Cassandra Dukas to the committee, the motion was seconded by Deanna Carlos. The motion passed unanimously.
9. The search continues for a third person for the fine committee.
10. Old Business - Pressure washing of the roofs and gutters are scheduled for May 10, 2023.
11. New Business - The Board of Directors have identified that there have been issues with parking space availability. Howard Gilbert made a motion, seconded by Jason Ferrera. The Board of Directors have established a new parking schedule to be enforced: 11pm to 5am effective immediately.
12. There being no further business to discuss the meeting was adjourned at 6:55 PM. 

Meeting Date: Friday, May 5, 2023

1. Meeting of the landscape committee of GBV is called to order at 4:10PM and a quorum was present with committee members Howard Gilbert and Diane Williams. Also present owner Allayne Barnum and special surprise guest Alfredo Molina Jr. representing Laz Lawn Services was there to answer questions regarding our irrigation and landscape issues in Gusto Bella Vita.
2. Alfredo relayed the problems with the irrigation not working since hurricane Ian September 2022 and sod and scrub that have died as a result. He has replaced the irrigation pump twice the second time at their expense because it was out of warranty. Alfredo said the pump needs an electrician to install a proper breaker at the pump control box (VFD) which is currently just wire twisted together and taped. Howard agreed to relay that information to Kenneth to get that corrected.
3. To avoid killing plants Alfredo suggested the power washing company should spray water on the plants before and after power washing. Howard agreed to tell Kenneth this information needs to be relayed to the power washing company before they begin on Wednesday.
4. Diane suggested that Laz Lawn Service should let us know what the irrigation schedule is so residents can monitor for any problems. Alfredo agreed to let us know what the schedule is as soon as it is all up and running correctly which should be by tomorrow 5/6/23. Normally watering would be twice a week.
5. Diane questioned Alfredo about trimming schedule, Alfredo relayed that it depends on the type of plant. Most bushes are on 4 to 6 week trimming cycle. Flowering plants are on a different schedule.
6. We discussed the needs to replace lost Irma trees never replaced. Howard will make a list of the number and kind of trees needed so we can then seek bids to get them all replaced. Alfredo agreed to give us bids on coco plum bushes and relocation of irrigation pipes to put a hedge around the dry retention area at Whippoorwill and Night Hawk, on Night Hawk from Carpazi to the preserve and on Night Hawk from the lift pump to Strada Milan.
7. The committee discussed moving our monument sign at Carpazi up to Whippoorwill and add enhance plantings and palms there. Moving the sign may not be feasible. Howard agreed to look into the matter including asking our President, Jason Ferrara for the name of a monuments man who may have some ideas.
8. We discussed doing completely new plantings in front and around all the buildings that would not be the same for all buildings but more compatible with the location. Agreed it needs more discussion about what plantings, how much and how to budget for it.
9. Although not in our docs the previous boards policy has been that owners may do any landscaping they want inside their courtyard gates. Is that how we want to proceed?
10. Board agreed to meet again the week of May 15th after the next board meeting.
11. Meeting was adjourned at 5:50PM.

Meeting Date: Friday, May 12, 2023

1. J. Ferrara called the meeting to order at 5:34PM and stated that the meeting was properly noticed, and a quorum of Directors was present.
2. Minutes - There was a motion by H. Gilbert seconded by D. Carlo to approve the minutes of the last board meeting without being read, the motion passed unanimously.
3. Committee Reports Landscape – H. Gilbert reported on a meeting with Laz’s Lawn care, there had been irrigation issues following Hurricane Ian, however they have been resolved. There is a note that the power washing company should spray the plants down before and after.
4. Naples Parking Contract - There was discussion about alternative solutions to parking, including a parking sticker system that helps with a designated parking based on need. The association will perform a needs assessment to determine the feasibility. - There are 388 total parking places, including garages and driveways. 187 garage spaces, 201 driveway spaces, in addition there are 31 clubhouse parking places. - The association plans to terminate the Naples Parking Contract. The association is paying Naples Parking over $17,000.00 per year. - There was a motion by J. Ferrara seconded by H. Gilbert to terminate the Naples Parking Contract. The motion passed unanimously. Parking Badge has removed the 20% payment going directly to Naples Parking Management at this time. Parking Badge keeps 30% of revenues in return for their services & GBV keeps 70% from the parking lot revenues.
5. Food Truck Party - There was discussion regarding a food truck party in December/January. There was a motion by J. Ferrara seconded by H. Gilbert to have a food truck party in January/December, the motion passed unanimously.
6. Christmas Lights for the Community - The board will consider Holiday lights for the community.
7. In Person and Virtual Meetings beginning June 9th .There was a motion by J. Ferrara seconded by D. Carlo to approve the purchase of equipment to support virtual board meetings for a cost up to $2,000.00. The motion passed unanimously.
8. Monthly Letters from Board - The association will have a monthly letter from the board distributed to owners. J. Ferrara requested that D. Carlo and H. Gilbert to provide him with content.
9. Attorney Interviews - H. Gilbert has met with two attorneys, Meredith Peck Ralston (current council) and Kyla Thompson. H. Gilbert recommended Kyla Thompson. There was a motion by H. Gilbert seconded by D. Carlo to sign the engagement letter. The motion passed unanimously.
10. Auditor Interviews - H. Gilbert has met with five accounting firms.
11. Audit for Calendar year 2022 - There was a motion by H. Gilbert seconded by J. Ferrara to approve an audit for 2022. The motion passed unanimously.
12. Review west pool entrance paver sidewalk bids. This was tabled until the next meeting.
13. Review Bufo/Cain Toad Exterminator Bid - There was a review of two Cane Toad bids. The estimated cost is approximately $11,000.00 per year. Due to cost and limited need the association is tabling this project.
14. Management – There was a discussion regarding association management, scope and services. The board will continue reviewing and scheduled future meetings to discuss.
15. There being no further business to conduct the meeting adjourned at 7:50PM. 

Meeting Date: Friday, May 26, 2023

1. J. Ferrara called the meeting to order at 5:33PM and stated that the meeting was properly noticed, and a quorum of directors was present.
2. Determination of Quorum
3. Minutes - There was a motion by H. Gilbert seconded by D. Carlo to approve the minutes of the last board meeting without being read, the motion passed unanimously.
4. Insurance - H. Gilbert presented insurance to the association. The association has received a proposal to renew their insurance the insurance renewal is $353,552.00 the association budgeted $187,000.00. 5. Committee Reports (a) Landscape – There was a walk around. Laz’s Landscape has committed to replacement of sod at their cost. The board thanked the association committees for their service. (b) Parking Committee – The association has eliminated Naples Parking Management.
6. Proposal to remove three oaks on north side of the pool. H. Gilbert discussed the removal of three large oaks. There was a motion by H. Gilbert seconded by D. Carlo to approve investigating the removal of the three palms. The motion passed unanimously .
7. Remove small dead tree at front door of 1271 Strada Milan Ln #1 There was a motion by H. Gilbert seconded by D. Carlo to approve the removal. The motion passed unanimously.
8. Trimming of all trees overhanging roofs before hurricane season There was a motion by H. Gilbert seconded by D. Carlo to approve trimming the trees overhanging the roof. The motion passed unanimously.
9. Proposal hiring spires group PA for 2022 Audit There was a motion by H. Gilbert seconded by D. Carlo to approve GRG performing an audit of 2022 as Spires was unable to assist immediately. The motion passed unanimously.
10. Virtual meeting equipment for clubhouses There was a motion by D. Carlo seconded by H. Gilbert to approve the purchase of $2,600.00 in equipment. The motion passed unanimously.
11. Board approval of all rental and sales applications. The board would like to review all sales and rental applications moving forward.
12. Night Hawk Speed Bumps Lorraine Lantz - J. Ferrara spoke to Lorraine Lantz, she would like to wait until the street project is completed before adding speed bumps. There was a motion by D. Carlo seconded by H. Gilbert to approve lowering the association speed limit to 15MPH and installing new signs.
13. Holiday Lights - J. Ferrara will investigate options and report back to the board.
14) Security Partnership - J. Ferrara has met with a security firm that will trade office space for security services. This would provide security services while allowing the clubhouse to be open as well.
15. Landscape from Pelican Bay - J. Ferrara met with Laz’s Landscape to review the 8 palm trees that are being removed to see if they could be relocated to the association. The location prevents this.
16. Price community HVAC drain line cleaning. The association will arrange to have HVAC cleaning.
17) Price community dryer vent cleaning. The association dryer vents are not interconnected.
18. Change Bathroom and Gym deadbolts. There was a motion by D. Carlo seconded by J. Ferrara to replace the deadbolts on the bathroom the motion passed unanimously. The board will send information directly to Newell regarding what should be purchased.
19. Change all handles on clubhouse gym and bathrooms. There was a motion by D. Carlo seconded by J. Ferrara to replace the door handles on the clubhouse, gym and bathroom. The motion passed unanimously. The board will send information directly to Newell regarding what should be purchased.
20. Change inside pool gate fob to be open between 6AM and 9PM There was a motion by H. Gilbert seconded by J. Ferrara to change the timing for the inside pool gate to be unlocked from 6AM to 9PM. Newell will contact the gate company to have it updated.
21. Old Business (a) Fire committee still looking for one more volunteer Doreen McGuire from 1244 Carpazi #3 volunteered for the fine committee. There was a motion by H. Gilbert seconded J. Ferrara to appoint her to the fine committee. The motion passed unanimously. (b) Green and Clean pool tile cleaning - D. Carlo will be contacting the pool company (c) West pool entrance paver pathways bids - The county removed pavers from the North side of the Night Hawk. The association is going to scavenge pavers and use them to replace the pavers on the west side entrance to the pool.
22. New Business - There was a discussion regarding window cleaning. 23. Owner Open Forum - There was an open forum for owners.
24. There being no further business to conduct the meeting adjourned at 8:36PM.

Meeting Date: Friday, January 26, 2024

1. The meeting was called to order at 1:05 PM.
2. A quorum of directors was present. The meeting was properly noticed, posted 48 hours in advance, as required by law.
3. New Business Presentation and discussion with Derek Cox, Sandcastle Community Management.
4. Following the discussion there was a motion by Howard Gilbert to terminate our contract with Newell Property Management and hire Sandcastle Community Management as our new management company. 5. Motion was seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
6. There being no additional business to discuss the meeting adjourned at 3:10 PM.

Meeting Date:  Friday, June 7, 2024

1. Meeting called to order at 5:32PM. 
2. Appoint Nicholas Labenskyj as Treasurer & Secretary to replace Howard Gilbert with his recent resignation. 
3. Review of Lease Renewal for 1315 Corso Palermo Ct #1. All Directors voted anonymously to extend the lease for 45 days from June 7th.  The tenants will need to vacate by July 22nd. Additionally, the Directors agreed anonymously to expedite any new lease to prevent a time gap in the homeowner's investment.
4. Commercial Vehicles Discussion - Majority of homeowners who attended the meeting, agreed that they do not wish to disapprove of commercial vehicles, rather an agreement was met to assign a designated parking space in the parking lot to prevent from blocking the stop signs & assign a different rate for overnight parking. To be further determined, as the homeowner who lives near the Clubhouse & mainly affected by this, was unable to attend this meeting.
5. Landscaping - Brought to the attention of a homeowner who attended the meeting- between buildings 1334 Corso Palermo & 1338 Corso Palermo, dead grass to be addressed by Leo with Duval.
6. Meeting Adjourned 7:28PM.