HOA Board of Directors Roles

1. President

The main role of the HOA President is to oversee the majority of the decision-making process. Essentially, the final say comes down to the President. However, it’s not all glam and glory for the President. Anyone who assumes the role must have the right qualifications to make those decisions. That means a working and in-depth knowledge of the regulations, bylaws, and operations of the association. The President is also able to delegate in the form of committees to handle certain obligations. Finally, they conduct all meetings, no matter the nature of the meeting. In these meetings, the President acts as a foreman. They call the meeting to order, discuss the agenda, allow for others to speak during the meeting, ask for votes, and more. If you want to run for this position, you must know the HOA President’s responsibilities. That includes a familiarity with the inner workings of the association. You must also have excellent public speaking skills. It is one of the HOA President duties to make sure the association functions at its full capacity.  

2. Vice President

Many find it difficult to fully understand the role of HOA Vice President. For all intents and purposes, the HOA Vice President’s responsibilities are the same as the President’s. This is because their primary duty is to assume the role of the President when the President is unable to do so themselves. This includes instances where the President is sick, out of town, or otherwise incapable of completing their regular duties. That does not mean the Vice President has nothing else to do, though. The President can still delegate HOA Vice President duties. Additionally, the Vice President must be equally informed about the regulations and bylaws of the association in order to assist members of the community with any inquiries. This knowledge helps them keep the business aspect of the association running smoothly.

3. Treasurer

The HOA Treasurer is responsible for the entirety of association funds and the disbursement of those funds. The main role of the HOA Treasurer is to keep a detailed record of current funds and all transactions sanctioned by the association. This includes billing, operational costs, and the collection and allocation of funds. They are also in charge of creating the annual budget and maintaining the right reserve level for any unplanned expenses, as well as making any approved investments. As for other HOA Treasurer responsibilities, they must keep other board members informed of the association’s financial status and any discrepancies within the records. They must also comply with all laws and regulations that dictate the proper financial operations of the HOA. Due to the complexity of association accounting, board members will often turn over these responsibilities to a reputable finance management company. To become a board Treasurer, organizational skills are once again a key trait. Since HOA Treasurer duties usually involve money management, being good with numbers and finances is another good quality to have, as is accurate record keeping.   

3a. Secretary

The Secretary is an integral part of the HOA board. The role of the HOA Secretary is to handle all of the documentation and record-keeping within the association. Since they are responsible for all official documentation, part of their function is to stay compliant with all legal requirements. This includes submitting any forms before deadlines. Other HOA Secretary responsibilities include giving proper notice of all meetings, recording all meeting minutes, and distributing all essential documentation to the other board members. Another key function of the role of Secretary is to review all official documents in an effort to ensure a continually updated record. In our case, the Treasurer also performs the  role of Secretary.